Joseph Henry Lonas
Sculptures Paintings Public Art Bio
Constructive Freeform, 1990
Hardedge-Amorphous, 1993
Synthesis, 1994
Limites, 1994
Spring and Autumn II, 1994
With Ochre, 1994
Five Right Angles, 1995
One Rectangle, 1998

Archaeology Museum ExperiencePaintings

"Although I was well aware that Lonas began his career as a painter, and of course had seen the densely crosshatched, crystaline drawings that so often accompanied his sculptural work in the past, I had not expected such a burst of intense, pure color. The approach of a sculptor is still very much in evidence in these paintings with their constructive or constructive scaffoldings; networks that strive into the third dimension. But they are held in check by veils of delicate color that give the impression of a resilient membrane.

The new element in Lonas' synthesis here is abstract expressionism.Though this might seem a recourse to the past, a firm geometric structure lends the free strokes a higher specific gravity, a synthesis that transforms regression into advance. This is no clever stratagem but an experienced and considered solution solidly rooted in unremitting artisitc practice. A true innovation. "

- Heinz Ohff, Chief Art Critic for the Tages Spiegel

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